Y8 grayscale image converted from all RGB24 colors (detail)

April 2020



The anomalies in performance that I found in December 2019 on ARM processors seems to be fixed in the latest version 14.0.1 release of JDK 14.

Ubuntu 20.04


PNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
AdoptJDK11New large thrpt 25 17.560 ± 1.040 ops/s
AdoptJDK11Old large thrpt 25 12.954 ± 2.159 ops/s
AdoptJDK12New large thrpt 25 9.160 ± 0.093 ops/s
AdoptJDK12Old large thrpt 25 13.517 ± 2.277 ops/s
AdoptJDK13New large thrpt 25 5.255 ± 0.859 ops/s
AdoptJDK13Old large thrpt 25 3.514 ± 0.536 ops/s
AdoptJDK14New large thrpt 25 15.437 ± 0.743 ops/s
AdoptJDK14Old large thrpt 25 10.104 ± 2.602 ops/s

PNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
AdoptJDK11New large thrpt 25 13.630 ± 2.928 ops/s
AdoptJDK11Old large thrpt 25 12.992 ± 1.767 ops/s
AdoptJDK12New large thrpt 25 16.015 ± 0.237 ops/s
AdoptJDK12Old large thrpt 25 13.666 ± 1.150 ops/s
AdoptJDK13New large thrpt 25 5.264 ± 0.053 ops/s
AdoptJDK13Old large thrpt 25 4.650 ± 0.443 ops/s
AdoptJDK14New large thrpt 25 13.229 ± 1.960 ops/s
AdoptJDK14Old large thrpt 25 12.032 ± 2.366 ops/s

PNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
AdoptJDK11New large thrpt 25 138.874 ± 3.664 ops/s
AdoptJDK11Old large thrpt 25 139.008 ± 2.623 ops/s
AdoptJDK12New large thrpt 25 108.964 ± 27.817 ops/s
AdoptJDK12Old large thrpt 25 140.204 ± 2.641 ops/s
AdoptJDK13New large thrpt 25 45.148 ± 0.471 ops/s
AdoptJDK13Old large thrpt 25 45.051 ± 0.680 ops/s
AdoptJDK14New large thrpt 25 137.526 ± 2.620 ops/s
AdoptJDK14Old large thrpt 25 132.180 ± 14.018 ops/s

PNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
AdoptJDK11New large thrpt 25 78.634 ± 2.756 ops/s
AdoptJDK11Old large thrpt 25 81.584 ± 1.849 ops/s
AdoptJDK12New large thrpt 25 71.084 ± 3.792 ops/s
AdoptJDK12Old large thrpt 25 69.309 ± 2.325 ops/s
AdoptJDK13New large thrpt 25 21.627 ± 0.480 ops/s
AdoptJDK13Old large thrpt 25 22.955 ± 0.409 ops/s
AdoptJDK14New large thrpt 25 74.473 ± 2.142 ops/s
AdoptJDK14Old large thrpt 25 72.930 ± 1.039 ops/s

Intel Xeon Processor

Notice that the performance on an Intel Xeon processor is very different from the performance of the same methods on an ARM processor.

Ubuntu 20.04


PNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
UbuntuJDK11New large thrpt 25 120.235 ± 1.867 ops/s
UbuntuJDK11Old large thrpt 25 116.574 ± 2.590 ops/s
AdoptJDK11New large thrpt 25 123.593 ± 0.026 ops/s
AdoptJDK11Old large thrpt 25 118.291 ± 3.134 ops/s
AdoptJDK12New large thrpt 25 126.926 ± 1.305 ops/s
AdoptJDK12Old large thrpt 25 114.978 ± 0.030 ops/s
AdoptJDK13New large thrpt 25 127.613 ± 1.996 ops/s
AdoptJDK13Old large thrpt 25 124.777 ± 0.120 ops/s
AdoptJDK14New large thrpt 25 202.643 ± 2.071 ops/s
AdoptJDK14Old large thrpt 25 157.710 ± 1.590 ops/s
OracleJDK14New large thrpt 25 205.134 ± 0.735 ops/s
OracleJDK14Old large thrpt 25 160.339 ± 0.024 ops/s

PNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
UbuntuJDK11New large thrpt 25 1325.503 ± 2.539 ops/s
UbuntuJDK11Old large thrpt 25 1324.506 ± 2.019 ops/s
AdoptJDK11New large thrpt 25 1324.162 ± 3.198 ops/s
AdoptJDK11Old large thrpt 25 1330.414 ± 3.178 ops/s
AdoptJDK12New large thrpt 25 1648.862 ± 5.963 ops/s
AdoptJDK12Old large thrpt 25 1659.928 ± 7.614 ops/s
AdoptJDK13New large thrpt 25 1602.214 ± 35.980 ops/s
AdoptJDK13Old large thrpt 25 1632.068 ± 21.254 ops/s
AdoptJDK14New large thrpt 25 1657.546 ± 16.599 ops/s
AdoptJDK14Old large thrpt 25 1655.515 ± 7.576 ops/s
OracleJDK14New large thrpt 25 1655.789 ± 11.278 ops/s
OracleJDK14Old large thrpt 25 1662.477 ± 7.200 ops/s


The results of the benchmark tests are grouped by the processor, operating system, and build of the Java Development Kit (JDK) on which they ran.

I ran the following command for the benchmark tests:

$ java -jar target/benchmarks.jar -p type=large


Ubuntu 20.04

AdoptOpenJDK 11

Log FilePNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
copyTo08New large thrpt 25 5.730 ± 0.457 ops/s
copyTo16New large thrpt 25 17.560 ± 1.040 ops/s
copyTo16Old large thrpt 25 12.954 ± 2.159 ops/s
copyTo32New large thrpt 25 138.874 ± 3.664 ops/s
copyTo32Old large thrpt 25 139.008 ± 2.623 ops/s
writeTo08New large thrpt 25 4.475 ± 0.018 ops/s
writeTo16New large thrpt 25 13.630 ± 2.928 ops/s
writeTo16Old large thrpt 25 12.992 ± 1.767 ops/s
writeTo32New large thrpt 25 78.634 ± 2.756 ops/s
writeTo32Old large thrpt 25 81.584 ± 1.849 ops/s
AdoptOpenJDK 12

Log FilePNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
copyTo08New large thrpt 25 6.027 ± 0.028 ops/s
copyTo16New large thrpt 25 9.160 ± 0.093 ops/s
copyTo16Old large thrpt 25 13.517 ± 2.277 ops/s
copyTo32New large thrpt 25 108.964 ± 27.817 ops/s
copyTo32Old large thrpt 25 140.204 ± 2.641 ops/s
writeTo08New large thrpt 25 5.895 ± 0.034 ops/s
writeTo16New large thrpt 25 16.015 ± 0.237 ops/s
writeTo16Old large thrpt 25 13.666 ± 1.150 ops/s
writeTo32New large thrpt 25 71.084 ± 3.792 ops/s
writeTo32Old large thrpt 25 69.309 ± 2.325 ops/s
AdoptOpenJDK 13

Log FilePNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
copyTo08New large thrpt 25 1.880 ± 0.152 ops/s
copyTo16New large thrpt 25 5.255 ± 0.859 ops/s
copyTo16Old large thrpt 25 3.514 ± 0.536 ops/s
copyTo32New large thrpt 25 45.148 ± 0.471 ops/s
copyTo32Old large thrpt 25 45.051 ± 0.680 ops/s
writeTo08New large thrpt 25 1.737 ± 0.181 ops/s
writeTo16New large thrpt 25 5.264 ± 0.053 ops/s
writeTo16Old large thrpt 25 4.650 ± 0.443 ops/s
writeTo32New large thrpt 25 21.627 ± 0.480 ops/s
writeTo32Old large thrpt 25 22.955 ± 0.409 ops/s
AdoptOpenJDK 14

Log FilePNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
copyTo08New large thrpt 25 6.350 ± 0.486 ops/s
copyTo16New large thrpt 25 15.437 ± 0.743 ops/s
copyTo16Old large thrpt 25 10.104 ± 2.602 ops/s
copyTo32New large thrpt 25 137.526 ± 2.620 ops/s
copyTo32Old large thrpt 25 132.180 ± 14.018 ops/s
writeTo08New large thrpt 25 5.919 ± 0.453 ops/s
writeTo16New large thrpt 25 13.229 ± 1.960 ops/s
writeTo16Old large thrpt 25 12.032 ± 2.366 ops/s
writeTo32New large thrpt 25 74.473 ± 2.142 ops/s
writeTo32Old large thrpt 25 72.930 ± 1.039 ops/s

Intel Xeon Processor

Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu OpenJDK 11

Log FilePNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
copyTo08New large thrpt 25 128.776 ± 0.040 ops/s
copyTo16New large thrpt 25 132.601 ± 0.019 ops/s
copyTo16Old large thrpt 25 124.149 ± 0.026 ops/s
copyTo32New large thrpt 25 1935.874 ± 8.307 ops/s
copyTo32Old large thrpt 25 1940.149 ± 11.499 ops/s
writeTo08New large thrpt 25 81.268 ± 0.017 ops/s
writeTo16New large thrpt 25 120.235 ± 1.867 ops/s
writeTo16Old large thrpt 25 116.574 ± 2.590 ops/s
writeTo32New large thrpt 25 1325.503 ± 2.539 ops/s
writeTo32Old large thrpt 25 1324.506 ± 2.019 ops/s
AdoptOpenJDK 11

Log FilePNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
copyTo08New large thrpt 25 128.480 ± 0.052 ops/s
copyTo16New large thrpt 25 132.232 ± 0.069 ops/s
copyTo16Old large thrpt 25 127.023 ± 0.038 ops/s
copyTo32New large thrpt 25 1935.017 ± 5.832 ops/s
copyTo32Old large thrpt 25 1938.695 ± 5.612 ops/s
writeTo08New large thrpt 25 80.755 ± 0.108 ops/s
writeTo16New large thrpt 25 123.593 ± 0.026 ops/s
writeTo16Old large thrpt 25 118.291 ± 3.134 ops/s
writeTo32New large thrpt 25 1324.162 ± 3.198 ops/s
writeTo32Old large thrpt 25 1330.414 ± 3.178 ops/s
AdoptOpenJDK 12

Log FilePNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
copyTo08New large thrpt 25 107.953 ± 3.839 ops/s
copyTo16New large thrpt 25 132.420 ± 0.234 ops/s
copyTo16Old large thrpt 25 124.656 ± 1.315 ops/s
copyTo32New large thrpt 25 1975.502 ± 8.478 ops/s
copyTo32Old large thrpt 25 1962.292 ± 11.733 ops/s
writeTo08New large thrpt 25 117.210 ± 0.913 ops/s
writeTo16New large thrpt 25 126.926 ± 1.305 ops/s
writeTo16Old large thrpt 25 114.978 ± 0.030 ops/s
writeTo32New large thrpt 25 1648.862 ± 5.963 ops/s
writeTo32Old large thrpt 25 1659.928 ± 7.614 ops/s
AdoptOpenJDK 13

Log FilePNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
copyTo08New large thrpt 25 116.929 ± 0.236 ops/s
copyTo16New large thrpt 25 133.420 ± 0.578 ops/s
copyTo16Old large thrpt 25 125.451 ± 0.026 ops/s
copyTo32New large thrpt 25 1958.416 ± 10.372 ops/s
copyTo32Old large thrpt 25 1965.223 ± 8.344 ops/s
writeTo08New large thrpt 25 120.104 ± 3.206 ops/s
writeTo16New large thrpt 25 127.613 ± 1.996 ops/s
writeTo16Old large thrpt 25 124.777 ± 0.120 ops/s
writeTo32New large thrpt 25 1602.214 ± 35.980 ops/s
writeTo32Old large thrpt 25 1632.068 ± 21.254 ops/s
AdoptOpenJDK 14

Log FilePNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
copyTo08New large thrpt 25 118.639 ± 19.056 ops/s
copyTo16New large thrpt 25 209.427 ± 1.714 ops/s
copyTo16Old large thrpt 25 163.161 ± 0.023 ops/s
copyTo32New large thrpt 25 1950.789 ± 9.100 ops/s
copyTo32Old large thrpt 25 1962.293 ± 7.495 ops/s
writeTo08New large thrpt 25 127.260 ± 18.339 ops/s
writeTo16New large thrpt 25 202.643 ± 2.071 ops/s
writeTo16Old large thrpt 25 157.710 ± 1.590 ops/s
writeTo32New large thrpt 25 1657.546 ± 16.599 ops/s
writeTo32Old large thrpt 25 1655.515 ± 7.576 ops/s
Oracle OpenJDK 14

Log FilePNG ChartSVG ChartPDF Chart

Bar Chart

Benchmark (type) Mode Cnt Score ± Error Units
copyTo08New large thrpt 25 118.620 ± 18.934 ops/s
copyTo16New large thrpt 25 210.229 ± 1.673 ops/s
copyTo16Old large thrpt 25 163.468 ± 0.356 ops/s
copyTo32New large thrpt 25 1960.571 ± 6.242 ops/s
copyTo32Old large thrpt 25 1971.079 ± 11.276 ops/s
writeTo08New large thrpt 25 126.536 ± 17.884 ops/s
writeTo16New large thrpt 25 205.134 ± 0.735 ops/s
writeTo16Old large thrpt 25 160.339 ± 0.024 ops/s
writeTo32New large thrpt 25 1655.789 ± 11.278 ops/s
writeTo32Old large thrpt 25 1662.477 ± 7.200 ops/s